Detecting False Weather Information

How to Identify False Weather Information

By:  Team Bolt Weather

Fake posts about weather are prevalent across various platforms, from Twitter to TikTok. Regrettably, some individuals genuinely believe these posts, contributing to the spreading of misinformation via actions such as retweeting. Obtaining accurate and reliable weather information is important for public safety, as lives could be saved if people acquire the ability to distinguish between fake weather forecasts and exaggerated weather forecasts. To help the general public, we have compiled a list of factors for consideration:

1. Excessive use of capitalization or tags (#):

Posts that use an excessive amount of capitalization or tags typically aim to captivate the reader's attention. If a post exhibits an unusual number of symbols or capitalization, it is advisable to double check the information with certified meteorologists or consult your local weather forecast office from the NWS.

2. Account has a history of spreading false information and lacks prior experience in weather forecasting:

This point is very straightforward. When an account is known for spreading false or exaggerated information, it is highly probable that the post in question is unreliable. Lack of experience in weather forecasting from the account also serves as a red flag. As noted earlier, it is recommended to verify information with additional sources, such as certified meteorologists or your local NWS office.

3. Forecasting models used are  distant and recognized as unreliable:

If a post relies on forecasting models known for their unreliability, such as GFS or other long-range models, the accuracy of the information is highly doubtful. Furthermore, if the model run extends beyond 100 hours, the likelihood of accuracy decreases significantly. Emphasizing the importance of cross-referencing, it is crucial to consult alternative sources, such as certified meteorologists or your local NWS office.

Our team hopes that this points aids in stopping the spread of misinformation across social media networks. An objective for our team is to combat the spreading of false information, we are always going to try to provide accurate weather forecasts with reliable information.